There arethree persons from southern Italy often called
representatives of great "pre-scientific" thought,
meaning before Galileo(1564-1642). The
three are Bernardino
Telesio(1509-1588) from Cosenza in
Calabria, Giordano Bruno(1548-1600) from Nola near Naples, and Tommaso
Campanella(1568-1639) from Stignano in
Calabria. Two of them have relatively clear stories. By
today's standards, Telesio is the most modern. He was an outspoken critic of
metaphysics, magic and the occult, and readers will
recognize in the phrase "pre-scientific" the beginning
of what we now call the scientific method. There is a
direct line from Telesio to Galileo. Then, Giordano
Bruno is one of the best-known names in our
history. He was a rebel monk, believer in the occult
and, above all, a pantheist who spoke of an infinity of
other worlds with other inhabitants. He was burned at
the stake in 1600 when believing such things amounted to
heresy, a capital offense. Executing people for heresy
offends us today, but Bruno was consistent and clear in
expressing his views:
The construction of the
world and the magnitude of the bodies contained within
it, and the nature of the world, is to be searched for
not by reason as was done by the ancients, but is to be
understood by means of observation. (from De Rerum Natura Iuxta
Propria Principia/On the Nature of Things
according to their Own Principles, 1563.)
third name, Tommaso Campanella is, however,
little known to English-language readers. He was one of
those great encyclopedic polymaths of the late 1500s,
the last period in which you could know everything if
you had enough brains, time and persistence. In his 71
years, Campanella wrote over 100 books on metaphysics,
philosophy, natural science, medicine, mythology,
history and political science. Rousch*
echoes others when she says, "He preceded Francis Bacon
in the experimental method; Descartes in the theory of
the perception of the senses; Leibnitz in the theodicy
[the attempt to reconcile a benevolent God with the
existence of evil]; Vico in the philosophy of
history;...[and] Kant in the categorical imperative...".
Campanella wrote remarkable poetry, as well, many of
which Kay* has
said "can be compared to the divine Psalms of David."
Campanella's life, however, was full of inconsistencies
that puzzle scholars in their attempts to understand
was born Giovanni Domenico Campanella. He took Dominican
monastic vows at fourteen, adopting the name of Tommaso
in honor of Thomas Aquinas. Very early on, Campanella
was so taken with the ideas of Telesio that his first
work (when he was 24) was in eight-volumes (!) and was
called Philosophia
sensibus demonstrata/Philosophy Demonstrated by
the Senses. It was a defense of Telesio and essentially
a refutation of Aristotelianism and of Thomas Aquinas,
Campanella's own namesake. Here is where one of the many
paradoxes in Campanella's strange life crops up. One
might say that in terms of orthodox Roman Catholic
teachings of the day, Giordano Bruno really was a heretic.
Campanella was not. He remained a devout Dominican monk
his entire life. But, following Telesio, he believed
that observation was at the basis of human knowledge.
This made him an anti-Aristotelian.
For this
brief discussion, we note simply that Aristotle's
ideas presupposed eternal matter and form. That concept
was not based on observation but on reasoning through to
what had to
be. (A human being is, thus, a fusion of eternal matter
and pre-existing human form.) These fusions (humans,
ducks, trees) were also teleological (that is, they had
built-in purposes —goals). If you apply that concept to
human society, you can easily defend the idea of a
"natural order of things" —even a "revealed truth" with
rulers and workers and a one true faith with churches
and priests, each in an assigned place. Aristotelianism
was at the heart of medieval Catholicism (Aquinas) and
early Islam (Averroës). Their proofs of the existence of
God and their defense of hierarchies within religions
and human societies are thus said to be Aristotelian.
Telesio and then Campanella rejected that. Telesio's
works were banned, but he was not physically harmed.
Campanella's fate turned out quite differently. A monk
who says that we know only what we can observe and who
dismisses Aristotle's eternal matter and form is on a
collision course with the "revealed truth" of his own
church. [For
another discussion on Telesio, Aristotelianism, and the scientific
method, see this
years after his defense of Telesio, Campanella
wrote De monarcha
Christianorum/Christian Monarchy in which he
set out his ideas on the reform of the church and
society. It was a harbinger of a later work, his
best-known work and perhaps the only one known at all to
English readers, The
City of the Sun, from 1602. It describes an
ideal world in which religion, science, and occult
knowledge regulate society. All property (including
women!) is shared in a kind of communist state, though
it is ruled by a moral and intellectual elite who are
able to interpret God's design for the world. Malcolm*
says of The City of
the Sun that it was "almost a retrospective manifesto for the
revolt in Calabria —an idealized representation of the
sort of perfect, rational, and hierocratic state that
Campanella had been hoping to establish in the
mountains of Calabria." That is a reference to
an episode in 1599, the so-called Calabrian Revolt, a
scheme to break Calabria away from the Spanish vicerealm
of Naples and turn it into a large theocratic commune.
(Campanella was one of those behind the revolt; the plan
was so bizarre that it called for enlisting help from
the Muslim world, an invasion fleet from Turkey!)
was just another inconsistency in Campanella's life. In
his earlier writings, he had urged the King of Spain to
extend rule to the entire world, yet now he fomented a
plan to liberate Calabria from the Spanish vice-realm in
Italy. Campanella also wrote about how wisdom and love
should guide human affairs and, indeed, was a harsh
critic of Machiavelli's politics of pragmatism; yet he
advised the King of Spain to put down revolt in the
Spanish Provinces. And for many, his anti-Aristotelian
defense of Telesio contrasted with his own devout
Christianity and interest in converting Jews and Muslims
and the recently discovered natives of the New World. It
seems odd that he could have derived from rational
observation and the evidence of his senses the need for
the universal theocracy of The City of the Sun. There was never
any doubt about his faith. Some scholars who have
written about Campanella simply say that he seemed to
change his mind a lot!
was arrested numerous times during his travels in the
1590s by the authorities of the Holy Office and always
acquitted of the charge of heresy. The crucial episode
was in 1601 in Naples. He was subjected to excruciating
torture to get him to confess his heresies. Instead,
Campanella feigned insanity well enough to save his own
life (they couldn't execute the insane). His life was
spared, but he spent the next 25 years in prison where
he wrote many of his works including The City of the Sun
and an articulate defense of Galileo, including
congratulations to the Father of Modern Science for
having invented the telescope!
was released in 1626 and went to Rome where he lived for
five years. Then, a new revolt in Calabria reminded the
civil authorities of his earlier rebel activities in the
south, and they came looking for him. Campanella fled to
France where he was received benevolently at the Bourbon
court of Louis XIII. He lived in the Dominican convent
of Paris, Saint-Honore, and became an adviser to
Richelieu on Italian affairs during the Thirty Years
War. His last work was an eclogue to celebrate the birth
of the future Louis XIV, Ecloga in portentosam Delphini nativitatem.
It was portentous, indeed, for Louis XIV turned out be
the Sun King, Louis the Great. (Campanella seemed to
have changed his mind about the Spanish Hapsburgs and
now urged a universal Bourbon theocracy.) Tommaso
Campanella died in May of 1639 and was interred on the
premises of the Saint-Honore monastery. His remains were
scattered during the French Revolution when the
monastery was destroyed. In 1968, on the 400th
anniversary of Campanella's birth, the little house
where he was born in Stignano was marked with a plaque
noting that he had come "to defeat tyranny, sophism, and
words from his poem "On the Roots of the Great Evils of
the World."
*sources: —Headley, John M. Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of
the World. Princeton Univ. Press,
Princeton. 1997. —Malcolm, Noel . "The Crescent and the City of the
Sun: Islam and the Renaissance Utopia of Tommaso
Campanella" in the British Academy Lectures 2003.
Oxford University Press 2004. —Roush, Sherry. Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso
Campanella. University of Chicago Press. 2011. —The
Penguin Book of Italian Verse. Edited and
translated by George Kay. Penguin Book, 1958.