Naples:life,death &
                Miracle contact: Jeff Matthews

Excerpts from the works of those who have written about Naples

through the eyes of...

BARZINI, Luigi, Sr. (1902) - Southern Italians in Argentina.
BENJAMIN, Walter (1925) - Naples
BURNEY, Charles (1771)from The Present State of Music in France and Italy.
Charleston Daily Mail (1931) - article about Benedetto Croce.
CRAVEN, Lady Elizabeth - excerpts from Memoirs.
CRAWFORD, Marion (1907)NYT article on The Secret Societies of Italy.
DICKENS, Charles - from Pictures from Italy.
DOUGLAS, Norman - from Old Calabria.   (2) also from Old Calabria
FORBES, S. RUSSEL (1893) - from Rambles in Naples. (two lithographs at link) (another here)
Galaxy, the  (1868)on the end of the camorra
GLADSTONE, William (1851) review of his Letters...on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government.
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von (1) - Vesuvius   (2) - Pompeii
Harper's (1855)unsigned excerpt on Naples
Harper's Weekly (1860) - Garibaldi and the Coming War in Italy.
HOWELLS, William Dean  - Naples and Her Joyful Noise
LAWRENCE, D.H.(1921) - excerpt from Sea and Sardinia (1921).
MUNTHE, Axel - Excerpt from Letters from a Mourning City
North American Review  (1816) - Another account of the death of Murat
North American Review (1816) - A view of the king of Naples
New York Times  (NYT) (1906) - R. Matteucci: The Hero of Vesuvius.
NYT (1862) -  Garibaldi's game is played out.
NYT (1883) - Two accounts of the Ischia Earthquake.
NYT & London Globe (1890) - The Urban Renewal of Naples.
NYT (Oct. 1, 1943) - popular uprising against the Germans in WWII
NORWAY, Arthur H. - Excerpt from Naples, Past and Present.
PLINY ( the Younger) - Account of the eruption of Vesuvius
RAMAGE, Craufurd Tait - The Assassination of Murat
NEVILLE-ROLFE, E. (1897) - Naples in the Nineties (reviewed by Larry Ray).
ROSS, Janet (1889) - excerpt from The Land of Manfred.
SARTRE, Jean-Paul (1938) - from
Lettres au Castor et à quelques autres
SAVINIO, Alberto (1948) -from The Villa of Reggio
SHELLEY, Mary (1826) - introduction from The Last Man.
SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe (1)  - Vesuvius    (2) - Pompeii   (3) - A boat trip
SOUTHEY, Robert - the execution of admiral Caracciolo, from Life of Nelson.
STODDARD, John L. - excerpt from A Trip Around the World.
STRUTT, Arthur John (1842) - excerpt from A Pedestrian Tour in Calabria & Sicily.
TAYLOR, Bayard (1868) - description of the eruption of Vesuvius.
TWAIN, Mark (1869) - "Ascent of Vesuvius" from The Innocents Abroad.
VAUGHAN, Herbert M. (1906) - Account of the eruption of Vesuvius.
WALPOLE, Horace - The Discovery of Herculaneum

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