revised Mar 2011, Dec. 2022
The name has nothing to do with Valdéz!
on Juan de Valdéz
(and the Counter Reformation in Naples)
I remember that my
high school buddies and I (terrible snobs!) used to
scoff at Sam Cooke’s great 1958 song “Wonderful
World,” which assured the listener that the singer
didn’t… ”know much about history… biology
…geography…[and] … trigonometry…” among other things.
(We also scoffed at people who took classes in
woodworking and metal shop. Years later, they make and
fix things. We don’t.) Now that I know so much more
about the things I know nothing about, if I had
written that song about myself, I surely would have
included geography and theology. After all, the first
time I ever heard the term “The Council of Trent” it
sounded like it should be part of somewhere English,
maybe Stipplingsthorpe-upon-Trent, where the Council
sat around in cracked leather armchairs and debated
zoning regulations for the new flower garden near the
abbey. Alas and a-hah!, I later found out that
the place in question was Trento, in Italy, the
birthplace of the Counter-Reformation. At the time, I
wasn’t sure what that was. (But I had heard of the
Reformation! It was a great symphony by Mendelsohn.)
[End of
Introductory confession]
Elsewhere (the entry on viceroy Toledo) I make the
following comment on Juan de Valdéz:
sources claim that Naples was a center of
Protestantism in the form of adherents of Juan de
Valdéz (c.1500-1541). The Spanish historian
Francisco Elias de Tejada* (below) says plausibly
that the group was very small and not even made up
of Neapolitans. Thus, they couldn't have
represented any sort of home-grown threat to Roman
Catholic orthodoxy. It is also true that Naples
was the home of a number of ‘academies’: the Pontanian; the Sereni, the Incogniti;
the Ardenti.
These were essentially discussion groups where
literati and scholars sat around and chewed the
intellectual fat. No doubt they discussed Martin
Luther, the Inquisition, Copernicus —all that— but
there is no evidence at all that they were a nest
of heresy that would require the offices of the
Inquisition to stamp out.
I don’t know that I
have any reason to amend that, except maybe the
part about “no evidence at all.” I suppose that
the Roman Catholic orthodoxy at the time might
have found all sorts of good reasons to smell
heresy in a group of reformers (potential
Protestants) numbered in some sources as high as
3,000 sitting around in Naples and talking
about what a clever fellow this Martin
Luther was. (“Lutero,” in
Italian, puts the accent on the second
syllable. If you give the name the German
accent (on the first syllable) it sounds
like Martin L’utero —Martin
the Uterus— and I bet the Inquisition
Pun-Dits had fun with that one!)
speaking of word play, we should note that
there is, indeed, a "Valdese" Protestant
church in Naples, but that
name has nothing
to do with de Valdéz (also spelled as
"Valdés" in some sources). Valdese is
Italian for "Waldensian"; the name derives most
likely from Peter Waldo, a religious reformer from
Lyons in the 12th century. There are about 50,000
adherents in Italy. Although they now term
themselves "Protestant" or "Evangelical," they are
obviously not part of the later Protestant
Reformation associated with Luther. Historically,
they have more in common with their early
contemporaries such as the Cathars and
Albigensians; all of them were deemed "heretical"
by Lucius III in the 12th century and then by the
Fourth Lateran Council of Innocent III in 1215.
A time line:
- 1502—Erasmus publishes Enchiridion militis christiani, the
first of many works that would define him as the
“Intellectual father of the Reformation”;
- 1517—the
Protestant Reformation begins in Germany with
Luther’s 95 Theses;
- 1527—The Sack of Rome by mutinous troops
of Charles V. The army included 14,000 Germans.
Some view the event as “anti-Catholic,” driven
by the new ideology of Protestantism;
- 1530—Valdéz
arrives in Naples from Spain;
- 1532—Toledo
arrives as viceroy to Naples and the rebuilding
and modernization of the city begins;
- 1535—Emperor
Charles V visits Naples to inspect the new
- 1536—By
this date, the Protestant discussion group was in
high gear in Naples; besides Valdez, the group
included Benedetto da Mantova (author of the
Calvinistic Beneficio di Cristo),
Bernardino Ochino, Peter Martyr Vermigli, and Vittoria Colonna (poet
and acquaintance of Michelangelo);
- 1536—Erasmus
- 1541—Valdez
- 1545—The
Council of Trent (Trento) starts, the beginning of
the Counter-Reformation;
- 1546—Luther
- 1547—The
Spanish Inquisition plans to install itself in
Naples but has to back down in the face of popular
protest; however, the Universal Roman Inquisition
is later installed in Naples;
- 1553—Viceroy Toledo dies;
- 1563— Council of Trent
[Valdéz had a twin brother, Alfonso,
prominent in Spanish politics, and there is some
confusion among those who write on the subject about
just which Valdéz they are talking about. Alfonso was
secretary of the imperial chancellery at the court of
Charles V in the 1520s. His brother, our Juan, was the
"Protestant" under discussion here.]
I have had difficulty finding out
even where Juan lived or had meetings with
similarly-minded reformers (or nascent Protestants, as
the case may be). One source claims that the place was
“on an island in the Bay of Naples.” That is too vague
to be of any help. It couldn’t have been Capri,
Procida or Ischia. Maybe the writer meant Nisida. Who
knows? Another source has the clumsy sentence,
On the western arm of the Bay of Naples,
hard by the tomb of Virgil, looking forth on the
calm sea, and the picturesque island of Capri,
with the opposite shore, on which Vesuvius, with
its pennon of white vapor atop, kept watch over
the cities which 1,400 years before it had wrapped
in a winding-sheet of ashes, and enclosed in a
tomb of lava, was placed the villa of Valdez.
That, too, is of no help.
By way
of background, Valdéz, while he was still in
Spain, was certainly influenced by the movement of
Christian mystics known as the alumbrados
(illuminated ones); because of their allergy to
external ritual, their dislike of priestly
intermediaries, and their emphasis on personal, inner
spiritual experience, they were in constant conflict
with Church authorities. By
the time of his arrival in Naples, Valdéz had
already published Diálogo de Mercurio y Caron,
attacking the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church.
His first publication at Naples was a philological
treatise, Diálogo de la Lengua (1533), but the
thrust of his work was towards interpreting the Bible
and —the mainstay of Protestantism— justification by
faith. He also translated portions of the Bible from
Greek and Hebrew into Spanish. Valdés died in Naples
in May, 1541.
I found a glowing passage
about him and his group. (Obviously, this was written
by a Protestant!):
were the illustrious men and the high-born women
that formed this Protestant propaganda in Naples.
It comprehended elements of power which promised
brilliant results in the future. It formed a
galaxy of rank, talent, oratory, genius, and tact,
adapted to all classes of the nation, and
constituted, one would have thought, such an
organisation or "Bureau" as was sure to originate,
and in due time accomplish, the Reformation of
Italy. The ravages the Gothic nations had
inflicted, and the yet greater ravages of the
Papacy, were on the point of being repaired, and
the physical loveliness which Italy had known in
her first days, and a moral beauty greater than
she had ever known, were about to be restored to
her. It was during those same years that Calvin
was beginning his labors at Geneva, and fighting
with the Pantheistic Libertines for a secure
foothold on which to place his Reformation, that
this little phalanx of devoted Protestant
champions was formed on the shore of Naples.
Today, the
only thing evident about Reformation in Naples
—indeed, in all of Italy— is that it failed. No
Italian city or region went over to the Reformation.
(On the other hand, Italy never had to suffer through
a later Thirty Years War between Catholics and
Protestants, either.) I have nothing illuminating to
offer as to why the Protestant Reformation failed in
Naples or Italy, in general, other than to assume that
it simply could not overcome Inquisitorial suppression
or the entrenched alliances that bound the governing
classes to the Church. Massimo Firpo* (below) points
out that “…In Europe the Reformation succeeded
where it could count on significant intervention by
the political powers, and it failed where this did
not occur.”
After the death of Valdéz, his
writings continued to inspire church reformers (not
necessarily outright and schismatic Protestants)
throughout Italy, but, eventually, in the face of the
Counter-Reformation, they were forced into that silent
state of “inner emigration” called "Nicodemism" (1)—outwardly
As you might imagine, there
is a great wealth of literature about the Reformation,
the Counter-Reformation, and specifically the
Reformation, or ostensible lack thereof, in Italy (see
bibliography, below). As far as I can tell, recent
writers, such as Firpo (below) view as oversimplified
the traditional claim that Protestants simply went
into hiding in Italy in the mid-1500s and didn’t come
out until the Risorgimento and
anti-clericalism swept Italy in the mid-1800s. Also as
far as I can tell, neither Valdéz nor the group around
him should be viewed as flaming rebels against the
Catholic church—transplanted German Lutherans, so to
speak— but much more as reformers in the spirit of
Erasmus, less interested in schism than in adherence
to evangelical simplicity and their own inner voices
when it came to the interpretation of Scripture.
But that is only as far as I can
tell, for as the song says…don't know much about...
1. "Nicodemism." The term is
attributed to Calvin and is based on the Gospel of
John, which describes one Nicodemus as afraid of being
seen openly with Jesus but willing to visit him in
secret. The term is not altogether positive since
—while it may be taken to mean inward steadfastness—
it can also imply cowardice.
Relevant works from the 19th
and early 20th century include:
—Thomas MacCrie, History
of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation
in Italy, Edinburgh 1827.
—Benjamin Barron Wiffen, Life and
Writings of Juan de Valdéz, otherwise Valdesso,
Spanish Reformer in the Sixteenth Century,
London 1865.
—Christopher Hare, Men and Women of the
Italian Reformation, London 1914.
—Frederick Corss Church, The Italian
Reformers 1534-1564, New York 1932.
—George Kenneth Brown, Italy and the Reformation to 1559, Oxford
More recent bibliography is found
—Gleason, Elizabeth. “On the
Nature of Sixteenth-Century Evangelism: Scholarship,
1953-78” in Sixteenth Century Journal,
vol. 9, n.3. (Autumn, 1978).
References cited in text:
—Firpo, Massimo. “The Italian
Reformation and Juan de Valdéz” in Sixteenth
Century Journal, XXVII/2, (1996).
—Tejada, Francisco Elìas. Napoli Spagnola, vol. 2. Controcorrente,
Napoli, 2002. (Original: Nàpoles
hispanico. Madrid. 1958.)
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Juan de Valdés:
Alfabeto Christiano
The Christian Alphabet by Juan de Valdés
HERESY - I happily
note that "heresy" comes from Ancient Greek haíresis
(αἵρεσις) and that it meant nothing more than
"choice". Different people had different "heresies". I
make my choice and you make yours. Let's go wash our
feet, squash some grapes and we can drink about it.
That was a long time ago. In many religions, however,
"heresy" came to mean an opinion contrary to the
orthodox opinion of your particular faith. More
drastically, if you expressed that opinion, you could
be punished, in some cases with death. Times change.
Oh, for the good old days! In Christianity violent
differences of opinion had to with these events and
persons (a few other events are inserted to provide
historical context):
1456 - Gutenberg Bible
published in Mainz, Germany.
1483-1546 -life span of Martin
begins in Germany with Luther’s 95 Theses;
1536—Erasmus dies; 1541—Valdés
1545—The Council of Trent
(Trento) starts the Counter-Reformation;
1546—Luther dies.
1618-1648 The Thirty-Year War
rages. An estimated 4.5 to 8 million soldiers and
civilians die from battle, famine, and disease.
Thousands of towns and villages are razed. One of
the causes was the religious conflict of the 1500s between Roman
Catholicism and Protestantism.
When I first heard
the term "Christian Alphabet", I found it... well...
catchy. Like that song, "A-You're ADORABLE;
B-You're so BEAUTIFUL; C-You're
a cutie, full of CHARM..."* You mean
someone invented a thing like that for
Christianity? I tried to think ahead: A- ABSTINENT
(what a rotten start!)... I gave up.
Sid Lippman; lyrics, Buddy Kaye & Fred Wise.1948.
The Alfabeto Christiano is written as a
conversation between Valdéz (the moderator) and others
in Naples in late 1538. Valdés had a lively
evangelical faith and those who attended his meetings
felt the same way. They were free-thinkers. One member
of his group was Lady Giulia Gonzaga, who asked him if
"if it possible "to quiet my mind...because this
tempest of imaginations and diversities of will ...
cannot endure much longer…” Valdés says his task
is to help her follow a way of lively faith so she
might "...thus become wholly spiritual, and
recover that image and likeness of God, in which it
was created ... I do not give you these rules that
you should be bound to them... you should use them
only as a Christian Alphabet to Christian
The Christian Alphabet is simply a list (book)
of things you should do to be a good Christian. Later,
the book was unknown even to bibliographers for the
next three centuries after Valdés wrote it. Again the
"Alphabet" comprises actual
conversations in Naples at the end of 1535. Giulia
Gonzaga asked Valdèz to write it all down in Spanish
for her. What we now have of the book comes to us
through an English translation from the mid-1800s. The
translator says he found the original copy (presumably
in Spanish, now lost) in the “Catalogue of Giovanni
Gancia, bookseller, of Brighton, in 1851."
(The image, above, is
a facsimile of the English frontispiece)
translator's comments are very lengthy and have this
relevant passage :
"At Naples Juan de Valdés delivered
up his mind to study and the improvement of his own
moral and intellectual nature.
The religious teaching of
Valdés was of a private and individual character. It
was accomplished by personal moral
influence of a remarkable
kind; by conversations, and letters on special
subjects and occasions; by frequent periodical
readings and discourses in
his own house at Chiaja or Posilippo with his
friends and select acquaintances."
In the 1450's there
was no doubt: in an area (southern Italy) in the grip
of the Spanish Inquisition, Vadéz was as
protestant as you
can get without actually being Martin Luther. Yet we
know from the English translation that Valdéz and his
companions were not totally isolated. Erasmus
(1466–1536), the Catholic theologian, and one of the
greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance (called
the "Prince of Humanists") and absolute believer in
religious tolerance, sent kind letters to both Valdéz
and his bother, who was Latin Secretary of the Emperor
Charles V in Spain. The difference between Catholicism
and Protestantism is that most Christians believe they
have an immortal soul and believe in salvation by
faith. Catholicism has sacraments and rituals
necessary for your salvation. Protestants don't.
Maybe we should blame the Thirty-Years' War on Luther.
Or maybe on Gutenberg.
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