entry August
Technically, the site is called, in Italian, the Heraion alla foce del Sele
(Temple to Hera at the Mouth of the Sele) to note its
presence near the Sele river and
to distinguish it from another temple to the same
goddess in the Greek city of Poseidonia (Paestum), itself, a couple of
miles away.
Most people prefer
ancient ruins that have been restored to look as if they
have been falling apart just since the other day and not
the other millennium. Certainly, all major Greek and
Roman archaeological sites frequented by tourists have
had mountains of stone moved back into place to make the
sites look "weathered," yes, but not totally blown off
the map.
your illusions; they're good for you! You will, however,
be disappointed by the sparse ruins of this particular
Heraion (though, logically, there is no reason to be).
It was not uncovered until the 1930s and since that time
the site has been cleared and meticulously cataloged,
but not much has taken place other than (!) to move all the precious
objects that were found into a small, fine museum that
has been in existence now for ten years (photo, right)
and to reconstruct where this and that structure stood
on the original site. The museum seems to serve a small
number of random walk-ins such as myself and a great
number of school field trips, for which there are good
audio-visual aids, maps, charts and display cases full
of items recovered from the site.
The cult of Hera originated in the city of Argos.
She was the Greek queen of the gods and the goddess of
marriage, women and health. In The Greek Myths, Robert Graves says, "Hera's
name, usually taken to be a Greek word for 'lady', may
represent an original Herwā
('Protectress'). She is the pre-Hellenic Great
Goddess. Samos and Argos were the chief seats of her
worship in Greece." (She was also married to her
twin brother, Zeus, and their wedding night was said to
have lasted 300 years, but I refrain from moralizing!)
This particular temple was founded at about the same
time as Poseidonia, itself, according to archaeologists.
The goddess is termed Hera Argiva
and was also called Argonia,
both of which recall her Argive (the adjective from
"Argos") origins and the protection offered to Jason's
ship, the Argo
(since the Argonauts are said to have built the temple).*note
The spread of the cult is amply documented by literary
sources, by sanctuaries within or near cities, and by
votive inscriptions throughout and beyond the Aegean.
This temple to Hera
Argiva was centered around two main altars and
a number of secondary structures meant to house
pilgrims, serve meals, and store gifts to the goddess.
Some of the structures were built or at least enhanced
by those who supplanted the Greeks in the area—first,
the Lucanians (a Samnite
people) and then, of course, the Romans.
This sanctuary to Hera was on the left bank (as you face
the sea) of the river Sele and marked the northern
boundary of the Greek settlement. North of the river was
a vast fertile plain stretching to the end of the gulf
(near modern Salerno). That area was in the hands of the
Etruscans, centered near
modern Pontecagnano. The Sele was, thus, a frontier
across which two cultures, Greek and Etruscan, faced and
met each other, weaving complex relations. The sanctuary
of Hera certainly performed several functions beyond
religious ones. It was likely a meeting point and even a
trading-post since one of the reasons the Greeks settled
along this part of the Italian coast in the first place
was to have commercial contact with the Etruscans. (For
more on that particular aspect of early Greek expansion,
see the entry on Pithecusa.)
One interesting item that the worshipers of Hera passed
on to the Christians who came after them was the icon of
the pomegranate, a symbol of righteousness and plenty.
Statues of Hera often show her holding a piece of that
fruit. There is a church in nearby Capaccio called the Madonna of the Granato
(Madonna of the Pomegranate). Within the church is a
wooden sculpture of the Madonna; she holds a
*note on Jason: As usual, it is
difficult to square legend with hard-nosed
archaeology. If Jason was an historical figure and we
accept the usual chronology, then he lived and
traveled at about the time of the Trojan War (around
1200 BC); thus, he couldn't have built the temple to
Hera if that temple is from c. 600 BC. If
archaeologists are wrong, then anything is possible.
For the sake of a good story, a little "double think"
is always a handy thing to have around—after all, it's
only 600 years! ^to text
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