There are two items on this page. #1 is
directly below. #2 is here.
(added April 2015)
Massa Lubrense
1. the undiscovered country to whose
bourne most travellers return
With almost no imagination you can
see a strange creature (on the right in this image)
about to attack and devour the helpless isle of
Capri. The attacker is the Sorrentine peninsula. It
divides the Gulf of Naples on the left (west) from
the Gulf of Salerno on the right (east). The name of
the geograpical feature that marks the division is
Punta Campanella, the very tip of the snout of this
beastie. The town of Sorrento, itself, is the mass
of buildings behind the ears. All of the land west
of the ears, virtually the entire head of the
creature, coast to coast, ears to snout, is the comune
of Massa Lubrense. |
A comune
in Italy is a municipal area that usually has a
main town of the same name plus other smaller
centers called frazioni. The comune
of Massa Lubrense has a number of such frazioni;
they are Acquara, Annunziata, Casa, Marciano,
Marina del Cantone, Marina della Lobra, Marina
di Puolo, Metrano, Monticchio, Nerano, Pastena,
San Francesco, Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi, Santa
Maria della Neve, Schiazzano, Termini and Torca.
The population of the entire comune of
Massa Lubrense is a bit more than 15,000
The sparse population is no doubt due to
the fact that modern means of transportation—in
this case the new road from Naples (with three tunnels!) and, above
all, the Circumvesuviana
railway—all end at Sorrento. You can
continue out along the coast past
Sorrento, but then you wend your way up
into the hills of Massa Lubrense and a
small network of secondary roads. You can
cross over (in this image, more or less
from a point between the two ears, called
Marina di Puolo) straight across to
the other side of the peninsula and come
down on the Salerno side and the famous
(but infamous for its traffic at the
height of summer) road along the Amalfi
Coast. Don't do that. Stay in the outback
of Massa Lubrense.
you get quite a bit of variation in such
a small area, extending in elevation from
sea-level up to 500 meters (1500 feet) at
Mt. San Costanzo near the cape at Punta
Campanella (photo, right). (The beacon tower
in the image is a restored Saracen Tower, one
of the many hundreds that guarded the shores
of the Kingdom of Naples for many
centuries.) One of the better known spots in
the Massa Lubrense comune is the Bay of Jeranto (in
the above image, it is the partially open
"mouth" of the beast) a site of great beauty
as well as historical interest in the
"development" of the entire area. That bay
as well as the area immediately aound the
cape form the protected Marine Reserve of Punta Campanella.
Geologically, the rock-faces at sea level present a number
of grottoes of extreme interest to marine biologists and
geologists. Vegetation in most of the area above sea-level
is the so-called Mediterranean macchia (Maquis
shrubland). The area is heavily cultivated with terraced
olive groves. As I note at the above link to the Bay of
Jeranto, Punta Campanella and Jeranto bay
are at "the confluence
of waters from the bay
of Naples and the bay
of Salerno to the
south-east; upwelling
in the waters is an
important part of the
circulation and
exchange of waters in
the straits between
the peninsula and the
island of Capri and is
vital to replenishing
nutrients for the
aquatic plant and
animal life."
There are,
as you might expect, a fair
number of beaches (most of
them are pebbly, not sandy).
One of the best known of
these is at the Marina of
Cantone (the stretch behind
the open mouth of the beast
on the south side of the
peninsula). It has a point
of historical interest in
that high above the beach
and facing east over the
Gulf of Salerno, you find
(photo, left) the Casa
Rosa, also known as
the Villa Silentium,
the home of British writer,
Norman Douglas, as he wrote
his Siren Land
(1911), so-called because
the sea below is the home of
the sirens
in Greek mythology.
If one is
used to the distant
view of Capri seen
from the city of
Naples, as am I, the
view presented from
the town of Termini on
western coast of Massa
Lubrense is unusual
and stunning. You look
(photo, right)
directly across a
space of about 5 km (3
miles) to the island
and the height where Tiberius
had his villa, and,
beyond that, to the
highest point on the
island, Monte Solaro.
On the left, the
Faraglioni rocks in
the water stand out as
icons of the island.
Atmospheric conditions
permitting, you can
count the
As close as it is,
I don't know if you could
really direct a naval battle
at Capri from a vantage
point such as this,
especially in the early
1800s, but some claim that
is what happened in October
of 1808 when French and
Neapolitan forces dislodged
the British from Capri in a
famous naval engagement
(more here
and here)
during the brief tenure of
French rule of the kingdom
of Naples. The ruler of
Naples at the time was
Napoleon's brother-in-law,
king Gioacchino Murat.
He had a delightful
residence (photo, left) at the village of Annunziata. It
was high up on the western cliff. It had (and still has) a
magnificent view of Capri, Ischia, Procida, the western
end of the Gulf of Naples, then (panning back to the east)
the city of Naples and Mt. Vesuvius. (Indeed, it is good
to be king!) He
supposedly directed the battle. I'm not sure how that
worked, except maybe with a good spy-glass, some
signal flags and an iPhone (admitedly, a prototype)."No,
no! I said 'Belie the mizzenmast'!"--what?
Oh..belay?...duke, do you think your kids will know
the difference a few years from now?' Indeed,
Murat was a former cavalry officer of great skill and
daring and one of Napoleon's most trusted officers,
(which is why he got promoted to king) but he wasn't
much on naval terms or tactics. (More on that point.) Some sources
say he just watched and gloated.
Back over on the Bay of Salerno
side, just off the coast, you have the Li Galli islands. Apparently
they were some kind of a youth hostel for sirens
back in the day. They were said to have tempted
Ulysses as well as Jason and the Argonauts.
Other forms of life have since lived there,
including Russian dancer, Rudolf Nuryev. The
property is now in other hands, but is still
inhabited. The main islands are Gallo Lungo, La
Castelluccia, and La Rotonda;
they are part of the protected marine
national preserve. There is also a
fourth small island, Vetara, as well
as another one, Isca, closer in and not
visible in this image.
And, of course, as you wander through
these many frazioni of Massa Lubrense, you
have the good fortune to meet interesting persons.
I happened upon Mr. Francesco Cioffi in his small
shop in Nerano. He is an artist and specializes in
salvaging "stuff from the sea." (I think that's a
technical term. Sorry.) Not just shells and
driftwood, mind you, but even plastic. He turns it
all into a little wonderland (photo, left), a kind
of candy store for the eye.
reference to the altered Shakespearen
quote/sub-title of this page, they do tell me that
many of the tourists you see in this area were
originally being dragged through here non-stop and
breathless on their way over to the Amalfi coast.
They looked around, then told the driver to stop
and let them off and come back in a couple of
^ back to top
- added April 2015
Desert of Massa Lubrense & the Sirens
"Desert" of Massa Lubrense, pointing to the SW. The
of Naples is the water on the right. The mountain at
the top is
Mt. Costanzo at 500 m. above seal level
(1500 feet). It looks
down on Punta Campanella, which separates the two
It seems strange to have a desert high atop the
lovely Sorrentine peninsula, overlooking both the Gulf of
Naples to the west and the Gulf of Salerno to the east.
The desert, however, is fortunately only a “desert” and is
on the mountain overlooking a town called, naturally
enough, Sant'Agata dei Due Golfi [St. Agatha of the Two
Gulfs]. This desert is actually a monastery (image, right)
built in 1679 by the Discalced (or Barefoot) Carmelites, a
Catholic mendicant order. Since they had roots in the
eremitic tradition of the Desert Fathers, they thought it
would be a real hoot to call their new home The Desert.
(No shoes but a good sense of humor, those monks.) Now,
that's what everyone calls it. They call the whole
mountain the “Desert”. The real name of the mountain,
however, is Monte Sireniano—Siren Mountain. And when you
consider that the entire part of the peninsula, coast to
coast (see image at the top of this page), is the town
(divided into various quarters called frazioni) of
Massa Lubrense, a corruption of the Latin mansio
deludrum, place of the temple, then things start to
fall into place a bit.
You can read
about the Greek sirens of our shores here.
They are well known, but not too many know that there was
actually a siren cult in the area, supposedly with its own
temple, just as there were Greek temples dedicated to Athena
and Minerva. The Desert, some have said, was even built on
the ruins of an ancient pagan temple; indeed, archaeological
discoveries in the first half of the 1800s were stupendous.
An Greek necropolis out there on the peninsula in the
section of Massa Lubrense called Vadabillo confirmed the
existence of a substantial population in the area during the
time of the expansion of Magna Grecia into Italy, an
expansion that gave us Cuma, Paestum, Naples, etc. Later
discoveries from the 1990s support the claim that the
population was in place around 600 BC and carried on trade
with the Etruscans.
Strabo, the Greek
historian (64 BC–24 AD) wrote of the “Temple of the
Sirens” on the peninsula, as did others. Of course, 2500
years is a long time. Entire civilizations and cultures
don't even last that long. Things fall to pieces or are
destroyed in one way or the other. Even the relatively
recent “Desert” was abandoned in the 1700s. Eventually, in
the mi-1800s it was restored and quite recently the order,
itself, was disbanded (or "suppressed", as they say and
the premises you see today are now in the hands of an
order of Benedictine sisters.
mosaic in the
Galleria Umberto in Naples
The Temple
of the Sirens? That's a real long shot, but they've been
looking ever since those first archaeological digs in the
1800s. Nothing definitive has turned up. There have been a
few good leads over the years, though. Ettore Pais (1856 –
1939, Rome) the Italian historian, was the director of the
Naples National Archaeological Museum and the excavations
at Pompeii in the early years of the 1900s. In 1905 he
published “The Temple of the Sirens in the Sorrentine
Peninsula” (in the American Journal of Archaeology,
Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1905), pp. 1-6). He was quite
sure that he had found the real thing, or at least bits of
what was left. Prowling around “a stone-cutter's shop I
was so successful as to find [an] extremely important
marble fragment.” The shop and the fragment were not high
up near the monastery or Greek necropolis, but rather down
near the sea.
Here, on the slope of
an embankment, quite near the mediaeval church of
Fontanella, on the estate of Canon Luigi Rocco, were
found various fragments of columns and statues which,
appropriated by different people, soon found their way
partly to Sorrento and partly to Rome and perhaps
elsewhere. It is said that among the objects found there
were two columns of ancient rosso antico. Certainly
there were found objects belonging to the Roman age, as
I was able to verify by inspecting the fragments which
had been brought to the Hotel Victoria at Sorrento. And
from the abundance of evidence collected on the spot I
got the impression that the remains of a temple had lain
there. This is rendered more than probable by the fact
that the still visible ruins of the mediaeval building
of Fontanella (which are adjacent to the place where the
ancient marbles were found (…) belong to a church that
was originally the home of the cult of Santa Maria,
which in the sixteenth century was transferred to the
still surviving church of Santa Maria della Lobbra
[sic-alternately Lobra] (derived from the Latin
delubrum). These ruins are, in brief, in a part of the
village of Massa Lubrense, and more--over on a hill
situated between Massa Lubrense and the sea-coast,
precisely where the remains of the church of Fontanella
are to be found. The church of Fontanella, where once a
year even now sacred ceremonies are held in memory of
the ancient seat of Christian worship, would thus seem
to have been the successor of an ancient Graeco-Roman
temple, that is, the temple of the Sirens.
- from Ettore Pais, cited above
There's that word delubrum,
again. Temple. So, maybe. Pais seemed convinced. Others
not so much, including the great archaeologist who finally
discovered the Grotto of the sibyl of Cuma, Amedeo Maiuri.
He said simply that you couldn't really tell. He wished he
had had a crack at it before the builders of new roads dug
it all up. If you go out to Massa Lubrense these days,
you'll find a beautifully restored Sanctuary of Santa
Maria della Lobra (mentioned by Pais) almost at water's
edge, maybe not a bad place to have a temple dedicated to
mythological mermaids. There is also a small port, Marina
della Lobra. There is a via Fontanella leading up from the
port, but, to my knowledge, there are no longer even any
ruins left of the ancient church of that name that Pais
mentions. A number of the archaeological finds pertaining
to the ancient Greek necropolis that was investigated in
the 1800s and 1900s are housed in the Georges Vallet
Territorial Archeological Museum of the Sorrentine
Peninsula situated in the Villa Fondi in the town of Piano
di Sorrento. And the Desert? Well, Friedrich Nietzsche
stayed there, as did Richard Wagner and a host of other
Grand Tourists. But you can't. You can, however, at
specified times, get into the Belvedere, which means
“Beautiful View” and it really is.
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