of thechurch of
Portosalvo has finally started. It's hard to
tell how the work is going because they have
draped safety screens over the scaffolding, which
is normal. Also relatively normal is the fact that
they are going to pay for the restoration by
selling ads on the screen. Big ads. (See this link.) That is of
some concern, since, after all, it's a church and
blah blah blah. I've noticed a giant ad for
Original Marines, a shop that sells men's clothing
and sporting goods. So far, nothing offensive.
(Apr14) This is just like
Bingo Night at St. Mary’s except it’s for a
good cause! The Polish monks who run the church of
Santa Maria del Pozzo di Somma Vesuviana (photo,
right), near Naples, held a raffle to raise 70,000
euros so they can at least start on the
restoration of the church, a historic gem that
dates back to 1510 (and even that was built on an
earlier Angevin house of worship). One of the
monks was a bit apologetic about trying to sell
8,000 tickets to the faithful, one of whom will
win a car. That's gambling! "Times are tough," he
(Apr16)Brandiis the best-known restaurant/pizzeria in
Naples. It has sat just off of via Chiaia for 300
years, when it was called Pietro...e basta
così. Its major claim to fame is as the
inventor of the Pizza Margherita, the genial idea
of one pizza chef named Raffaele Esposito, who in
1889 sent a pizza to Queen Margherita (shown,
queen consort of Umberto I, king of Italy) at the
royal palace, 200 yards away). (What was he
supposed to say? “Sorry, your majesty. We
don’t deliver.”) That pizza is now
well-known for the red, white and green trimmings
of the (then) new Italian flag. The restaurant is
decorated with photos of the fat & famous,
throwing back enormous three-hour multi-course
Italian meals. They may have started with pizza as
an appetizer, but they then wound their way
through pasta, fish or meat, cheese, dessert and
resuscitation heart paddles. The photos and
nostalgic decor will no doubt remain, but all you
will now be able to order up is pizza —and, ok,
maybe a few pizza side orders such as insalata
caprese. The owner claims that this has
nothing to do with economic difficulties. It’s
what people want, he says. The establishment is in
the center of Tourist Naples, and when the
Japanese, Americans, and ten-foot-tall
blue-skinned Na’vi tourists show up this summer,
all they’ll be able to get is pizza. Not just
Margherita, mind you. There’ll be a lot of
(Apr19)Why is Madame
Butterfly wearing a pair of Nikes? State
support for opera companies in Italy comes from
the umbrella fund, FUS (Fondo unico per lo spettacolo) [Unitary
Fund for Performances]. The fund currently
supports 14 Opera-Symphony institutions in the
nation, including San Carlo in Naples. A law
cutting back on the level of state support for
most of these institutions has just been approved.
Potentially, the cutbacks will effect everything
from the number of artistic personnel and stage
hands to the number of performances put on each
season. Part of the plan is to incentivize private
investment. The new law has made exceptions for la Scala in
Milan and the Accademia
nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome.
Support for those two will continue unchanged due
to their “particular national interest.”
Given the spectacular history
of San Carlo, the fact that the state does
not consider it of “particular national interest”
seems to be an unforgivable snub to the artistic
director of San Carlo, Roberto De Simone. “We
taught music to the world,” he says. “Now they'll
put on their rock concerts and turn it all into a
super market.”
(May 5)I’ll take one of
those...and one of those...and...
It's early May and the isle of Capri is awash with
wealthy house hunters. There are, in fact, 30
exclusive villas for sale on Capri. There’s a nice
little number down by the Faraglioni: two level
home, three bedrooms, terrace, two baths, studio,
kitchen, all for the low, low price of €4,950,000
(that’s just so you don’t scream “FIVE MILLION
EUROS!?”) At the other end of the list, we have
the famous Villa Castiglione (photo, right); it’s
on a hill at 250 meters above sea-level, built on
the ruins of one of Tiberius 12 imperial
residences, and has never been subdivided into
apartments. You get the whole thing. It’s
spectacular. The current owner wants out. It’s
yours for €35,000,000. Don’t try to bargain with
them. If you can’t meet that price, they’ll find
someone who can. Easily.
(May 25) Larry Ray and I have
finished translatingThe Subsoil of
Naples, a book commissioned by
the city of Naples in the 1960s. It is a thorough
compendium of the geology and urban history of the
area, including chapters on all of those
fascinating chambers beneath the city, tunnel
construction, the aqueduct and why buildings and
streets tend to cave in every once in a while.
(See the above link.)
(May 29) Italy's grand
Tremonti Recovery/Austerity Plan to save the
Italian economy includes such things as cutting
the salaries of politicians (good!), fighting tax
evasion (hah!) and a broad series of budget cuts
to regional governments, such as Campania, of
which Naples is the capital. Cuts seem to hit
culture first. (See the San Carlo item, above). Now, word
comes of cuts to the following: the Anton Dohrn Aquarium
(photo, right), the Benedetto
Croce Library, the Center
for the Study of the Herculaneum Papyri, the
Marine Park on the isle
of Vivara (Procida), among others. Some may
be closed, and some may simply wind up with so
little money that they can't function. Some, such
as the aquarium, though scheduled to be closed,
will wind up incorporated into the university. No
one knows what that means.
(May 31) This news will not
warm the cockles of your spaghetti ai frutti
di mare. Most Neapolitans like a few
marine bivalve molluscs in their spaghetti or
Pantagruelian soups once in a while. The favorite
two of these
little "sea fruits" are the tellina and
the cannolicchio
—respectively, the cockle and the European razor
clam. Well, there is trouble in clam city thanks
to new European Union (EU) fishing regulations
that regulate how close in to shore you may cast
your net upon the waters. The new and greater
distance, though obviously meant to prevent
overfishing and depletion of the creatures, will
cause great difficulty in trying to meet local
(June 10) Yesterday was Italian
Navy Day, and it was celebrated for the
first time in five years in the Bay of Naples. The
centerpiece was the presence of the "tall ship,"
the Amerigo
Vespucci, a training vessel built
on the design of large, late-18th-century ships of
the line. The vessel is a full-rigged three-master
with an overall length of 101 meters (331 ft)
including the bowsprit. The ship was built in
nearby Castellammare and launched in 1931. It is
one of many sailing vessels used to train young
seamen in navies throughout the world. In the
summer months, the compliment of 223 officers and
men is augmented by 140 first-year students from
the Italian Naval Academy in Livorno. The Amerigo Vespucci
was meticulously overhauled in 2006. (Also
see Boats of the Bay.)
(Also see this entry on
the ill-fated sister-ship, the Cristofero Colombo.) Both vessels were modeled on the
old Bourbon flagship, the Monarch
(see this link).
(June 12) The Oscar Niemeyerboondoggle
auditorium in Ravello took ten years to build, had
a glorious opening, has not been used a day since
the opening in February and is now in such
run-down condition that it will not host any of
the events for this summer's Ravello Festival and
will not even be available to musical groups as
rehearsal space. Since the European Union kicked
in 18 million euros for this baby, a lot of folks
are screaming mad. It seems to be the fault of
petty politics: the party that was for it was in
but now out; the party against it was out but now
in. That's the theme; supply your own variations.
So, there it sits. It still looks pretty good in
architecture magazines, though.
(June 19) The Vuvuzela —that
delightful African monotone plastic bugle that is
ruining the World Cup matches for the unrabid— is
now selling on the streets of Naples as Italy
gears up for it's second game in the round-robin
prelims. The Neapolitan version is shorter and,
thus, higher-pitched and, thus, more irritating.
Now you can stand out on the balcony, wave the
flag, and go nuts. It's a good thing that rabid
sports fans have short attention spans. Maybe four
years from now, it'll be something else. I favor
the hula hoop. (related
item here)
(June 19)O ye of
little bandwidth!The iSanGennaro! This new iPhone
app, brought to you by a Neapolitan DJ "lets you
experience first-hand all the excitement of the
miracle of the liquefaction..." This is in
reference to the Miracle of
San Gennaro. A vial of the saint's clotted
blood appears on the screen; then, you shake it by
moving the iPhone just right. If you do it just
right enough, the miracle of liquefaction appears,
accompanied by the written notification "Miracle"
and then... I'm not sure. At least one happy
cyber-supplicant claims to have installed it and
had a whole series of miracles happen to him and
those around him. The creator of the application
assures us that iSanGennaro! is a tribute to
Neapolitan religious tradition and in no way meant
to be a sacrilegious sleazy Jesus-on-a pancake 40
Mb rip-off. (See update on next miscellaneous page,